15916739 visitors have come to this site since 26th April 1996.
僕が毎月数万円も課金を支払ってインターネット接続を始めた頃には、すでに運営されていたという記憶があるのが、ここでご紹介するThe Red Hot Jazz Archiveです。(音源の再生にRealAudioを使っているのでもう少し後かもしれませんね。あるいは、発見した当初は音源再生は無かったかもしれません。)
僕はThe Red Hot Jazz Archiveをインターネット上で発見するする前に、大阪で苦労しながら、すでにかなりの数の戦前のジャズ音源、つまりSP盤で発売されたレコード録音をLPレコードやCDコンピレーションで集めていましたが、このサイトを発見してからは、まずページ上で音源を聴いた上で気に入ったものを探しにレコード屋に行くというスタイルになりました。今なら、iTunesストアなどでダウンロードできる音源を探す楽しみになるのでしょう。
最近はリンク切れで聴ける音源が減ったような印象がありますが、The Red Hot Jazz Archiveのページ上では、実際に貴重なSP音源をネット越しで聴けます。ビットレートが低いので音質はAMラジオ以下ですが、コンピュータの知識がちょっと豊富な人なら、うまくソフトウェアを使って、それらの音源全てをmp3型式で自分のハードディスクに溜めることもできるでしょう。(オススメしません)
“Why would anyone be interested in those old things?” – Jelly Roll Morton
Many people have asked if the Red Hot Jazz Archive is legal? The answer appears to be yes, but several experts have said that it falls into a gray area of law, concerning the transmission of the temporary Real Audio file and if that constitutes copying and distributing of the recordings. I see the archive as a radio station of sorts, and that I am just broadcasting these works, not distributing them. Besides all that, the majority of the works on this archive are in the public domain, because the copyrights have expired. Under the copyright law that was in effect before 1978, copyright was secured either on the date a work was published or on the date of registration if the work was registered in unpublished form. In either case, the copyright endured for a first term of 28 years from the date it was secured. During the last (28th) year of the first term, the copyright was eligible for renewal. The current copyright law has extended the renewal term from 28 to 47 years for copyrights that were subsisting on January 1, 1978, making these works eligible for a total term of protection of 75 years.
Public Law 102-307, enacted on June 26, 1992, amended the Copyright Act of 1976 to extend automatically the term of copyrights secured from January 1, 1964, through December 31, 1977 to the further term of 47 years.
For more detailed information on the copyright term, write to the Copyright Office and request Circulars 15, 15a, and 15t. For information on how to search the Copyright Office records concerning the copyright status of a work, request Circular 22. If you have nothing better to do, the full text of the U.S. copyright law can be found at: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/
Scott Alexander